Here at Tulsa Auto Repair we go beyond being just a repair garage. We also do a lot of performance upgrades. We are trying to be an integral part of our local car community. Our passion for maintaining and modifying cars and not just the job, it’s a lifestyle and overall dream of life. It is a way for us to connect with car enthusiasts on a personal level and relate to their issues, passion, and builds. we can handle any and all builds that you can throw at us. whether it’s a Honda Accord daily driver or highly modified show car BMW build. We appreciate and relate to the diverse interests within our local car community.
with us here at Tulsa Auto Repair pride ourselves on full transparency. Everything from business to friendships revolve around trust. We train our staff and technicians to prioritize transparency and honesty and all our communication because we believe it is essential for trust and the Automotive industry. There are too many times where people visit a shop and they have been lied to and it costs them thousands of dollars. we make sure that you do not experience that when you come to our shop. building strong relationships with you as our number one priority. In a world full of other stressors, we strive to make car repairs and maintenance stress free for you. Through transparent communication we want to be trusted to go to the facility for all your Automotive needs.
Tulsa Auto Repair we will even continue to improve. If you visit one of our shops and you are not overly thrilled with your customer service or vehicle maintenance or performance, we would love to hear from you. It is a way to help teach us how we need to conduct ourselves during business hours and grow as a company. harsh feedback is not as hard as you would think harsh feedback is a key to success. We ensure the highest standards of equality through a rigorous process of checks and balances. Our quality control includes final test drives, multiple drives with various technicians, the reason why we do multiple drives with various technicians is because multiple set sizes are better than two. where one person may not hear a knocking or grinding sound another technician could, therefore we’re not sending you home in a vehicle that may have mechanical issues on your way home. priority ties confirmation through both technicians and dedicated quality control specialists to guarantee accuracy. additionally, during drop off, our advisors communicate with customers to obtain specific details about any noise or issue you may be having, providing valuable information for our technicians to address and resolve the problem effectively in a time sensitive manner
don’t be worried if you bring a vehicle to our shop and not know anything about vehicles. Don’t ever be afraid to try to reenact the sound that your car is making. It may sound funny to you but as it may help us actually pinpoint the exact issue you may be having. We brought ourselves in our honesty and we will do everything in our power to guarantee that you will be pleased with all the services provided to you.
For any first in class automotive repair please visit us at or give us a call at 918-251-0018 and we will help you get rolling safely.
Tulsa Auto Repair | scheduling made easy
Here at Tulsa Auto Repair we know that making appointments can be stressful. especially when you go online and they don’t have a very clear schedule platform. to schedule an appointment with us you have several convenient options. The easiest method is the scheduling feature available on our website. If you would rather speak to us, call us anytime during business hours and our service advisors will schedule an appointment to fit your needs. or you can email us your preferred time and date and we will respond with an available drop off slot. Lastly, you can connect with us on social media like Facebook or Instagram by sending direct messages any time. How much easier could it be?
Why join theTulsa Auto Repair family? The answer to your question is because you will be treated like family when you come through our doors. will be up front and honest with you about all work needing to be done on your vehicle and give you the best possible price that we can. We all know there is nothing worse than showing to a shop hearing some minor sounding noise and being told that you have three or four mechanical components that need to be replaced in the price range for those can vary to a paycheck to absolutely demolishing your savings account. Nobody likes hearing that. so we make sure that we do every bit of a thorough inspection of your vehicle before we even start talking about repairs and cost of said repairs
Tulsa Auto Repair his number one for vehicle maintenance for a reason. The reason is we’ll put our customers first. We understand life tends to punch you. so we do what we can to work with you on the cost and cost of repairs. We also know that it is extremely stressful anytime you hear a sound that you can identify or understand. Will do everything in our power to make sure that your time with us is free and reliable.
The cutest size with vehicles is making sure that you stay on top of maintenance appointments. make sure you are calling us when you are needing maintenance and we will get you in as quickly as possible. If you want to avoid costly repairs to your vehicle, maintenance is the key to doing that. but even with proper maintenance occasionally there are vehicle needs that are not seen or met in maintenance appointments. and these can range from many different things. faulty or damaged parts, or road debris that lodged in places it shouldn’t be. we can definitely help with all your vehicle and maintenance needs
So if you’re ready to make an appointment please visit us at or give us a call at918-251-0018 and let us help you get back to the open road.